The game is simple, I seek the truth and want to restore balance upon the world. You can download all the contents and reproduce it, filter it, create your own node and spread those information or even select them, complete them, question everything, true science will only exist when the world will not be corrupted anymore. As long as the science is subject to manipulation of data we need to verify everything by ourselves, use our intuition. You can use all those files for the sake of humanity. Add more if you know relevant and similar content to study. Remember, the design of this Life is to allow us to Evolve and Create. Not consume, have only pleasure, fight each other and destroy life.. I want to Balance this world more than anything, Evil will be eliminated and us Human will live in Light and Love. Remember, synchronization and communication is the key to transit to a light/love world, everything has to be done without violence. Be smart, be patient, be organized, be fearless. Peace is near. Love always win. (Use all the content the way you want as long as it serves the purpose of establishing Balance in mankind so we can all live on Love/Light and harmony with mother Earth) You can find more books on You can download the whole content of the website by just downloading the file. Beware most of contents here are very Dark and awful, but truth need to be revealed, people need to know who the enemies of humanity are. Good luck.